Integrating JSX live reload into your React workflow

Note: this post is long and technical.
For easy-to-follow integration instructions, check out Get Started.

Do you want Bret Victoresque live reload for your React app as you edit it?

Meet react-hot-loader, a drop-in Webpack loader1 you can use to enable live editing for React components in your projects. No browser plugins or IDE hooks required.

It marries Webpack Hot Module Replacement (HMR) with React.

You can use this if:

What Is Hot Module Replacement?

A few weeks ago, while porting Stampsy from RequireJS to Webpack, I discovered that Webpack supports something called Hot Module Replacement:

Hot Module Replacement (HMR) is a way of exchanging modules in a running application (and adding/removing modules). You can update changed modules without a full page reload.

Basically, it is an opt-in feature of Webpack that allows each module to specify custom behavior (by default Webpack reloads the page) when a newer version of itself or its dependencies is available (i.e. when you save a file in the editor). It works together with a dev server, such as webpack-dev-server.

When a source file changes, webpack-dev-server tells the Webpack runtime (which is small and included in the generated bundle) that an update to some module is available. Webpack runtime then asks the updated module whether it can accept updates, going up the dependency chain. If any of modules in chain declare that they know how to handle an update by registering a handler, Webpack will invoke it instead of reloading the page.

Hot Module Replacement by Example

Webpackʼs style-loader uses HMR API to replace <style> tag when CSS file changes. This gives you LiveReload-like experience. But HMR is much more than that, because it can be used for any kind of module, including JS, as long as you can handle an update in a way that makes sense for your application.

Say we have parentModule that depends on a and b:

// parentModule.js

var a = require('./a');
var b = require('./b');

// ... your module code ...

// In production, `` is `false` and condition is cut:
if ( {

  // This is where we can call HMR API (
  // and register update handlers for dependencies.

  // Means "I know what to do when ./a changes!"'./a', function () {

    console.log('My dependency changed!');
    console.log('I gotta do something with the new version');

    // It makes sense to update the variable.
    // require will now return the fresh version:
    a = require('./a');

    // You'll probably want to do something else too,
    // depending on the nature of dependency and its side-effects:

    // * Re-render the view?
    // * Recreate or reassign some objects?
    // * Give up and reload? (default if you omit this handler)


If you run Webpack server with HMR enabled and edit a.js, instead of reloading the page, Webpack will invoke your callback. Doing require('./a') inside this callback will give you an updated version of a.js, and itʼs up to you to do something with it. However, if you edit b.js, Webpack wonʼt find any HMR handler and will fall back to reloading the page.

Finally, updates bubble up the dependency hierarchy so if somebody accepts parentModule itself, editing a or b will not cause a reload. We can say that module updates bubble similarly to browser events, and acts like stopPropagation and preventDefault, preventing the “default action” of refreshing.

Thatʼs the gist of how HMR works. Of all HMR API I only ever used accept. This article gives you a broader look at what HMR is from the point of view of the app, compiler, HMR runtime and modules.

Why It Is Perfect for React

This is useful to an extent, but you still need to write accept handlers, and you wouldnʼt want this kind of code bloat in every module. Moreover, it may be very hard to write correct accept code, since youʼd need to update each moduleʼs dependencies and somehow selectively re-render the app with the new code.

We could make this work but only if the UI framework we used offered a deterministic view lifecycle and could re-render certain parts of the app without throwing the DOM or the state away. Oh wait… Here comes React, right?

When an update for a module with a React component comes in, we can patch the prototype of the existing component with new prototype (that has fresh render and other methods), and then call forceUpdate on all mounted instances. This will keep componentʼs state and, thanks to Reactʼs reconciliation algorithm, apply the minimal set of updates from whatever the previous version of render returned.

It would be a chore if we had to do this for every component manually, but thatʼs what React Hot Loader is for! It handles HMR business for your React components.

Enabling Hot Module Replacement

Hot Module Replacement is opt-in, we need to change a few configuration options to get it working.

This comes in four parts:

Here is what happens when you save a file with React Hot Loader:

[file changed]
[HotModuleReplacementPlugin] rebuild and prepare updated modules
[webpack-dev-server] tell by socket that update is available

[webpack-dev-server/client] learn by socket that update is available
[webpack/hot/only-dev-server] apply the update to modules
[react-hot-loader] patch React components with new methods and force redraw

For configuration instructions, see Get Started.

Something not quite clear? Having issues integrating this?
Iʼm happy to help. File an issue or drop me an email.

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This wouldnʼt be possible without help of several people. Iʼd like to thank:


  1. The word “loader” in Webpack terminology can be confusing because not all loaders load something dynamically. Instead think of “loaders” as of transforms that take one module, may change its source code and output one or more modules. Loaders can be chained and are used for everything in Webpack: from compiling JSX and CoffeeScript to requiring CSS as a module, to making require return a promise, to React live reloading that you are reading about. 

  2. Converting to Webpack from RequireJS or Browserify is straightforward because Webpack supports all module styles (AMD and CommonJS, as well as careless globals with imports-loader and exports-loader), can watch with fast incremental updates, compile to a single file or even to several chunks. Everything that RequireJS or Browserify can do, Webpack does better. My only gripe with Webpack is documentation being too dense, but this is being addressed. See Pete Huntʼs no-bullshit intro to Webpack